Titans Foundation

For Parents
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Parent Resources

Welcome to our Parent Resource page. We’re glad you found us! On this page you will find resources that we have found helpful. Be sure to check back often and please contact us if you have any questions.

Screening for Success

Through collaboration with Bethesda Chevy Chase Counseling and Assessment (BCC-CAA), we have expanded our testing and assessments to cover the 3 most common learning challenges: Dyslexia, Dyscalculia & Attention-Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder. Using a short 3-pronged screening protocol called Screening for Success, we are able to help parents and educators better tailor instruction and possible interventions to a student’s educational needs. BCC-CAA also provides Psychoeducational, Neuro-Psychological, and Social-Emotional Assessments.

“The Titans Foundation is spreading the word that learning differences don’t need to limit a student's success. I am proud to be part of that mission.”
Dr. Teresa Giral – BCC-CAA

3 most common learning challenges






Attention-Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder

Assessment and Testing Update

Our literacy assessment for Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten is the Early Learning Quick Assessment, a web-based assessment tool designed to measure children’s knowledge of early literacy fundamentals developed by the University of Oklahoma. This assessment measures the Big 5 of Literacy as noted by the National Reading Panel.

-Letter Recognition
-Phonological Awareness

Teachers are able to use ELQA throughout the year to guide instruction in order to increase the acquisition of early literacy skills, ultimately closing the achievement gap for all students. Through our school partnerships we have helped assess over 1,000 students since 2018, and results show that students continue to surpass growth targets.

Our Primary Grades and Intervention programs incorporate multiple assessments throughout the year. Standardized testing results will be assessed at the end of the school year.

“It is evident in classwork and assessments that our students are making better gains in Reading and Language Arts. The Language Foundations programs provide strategic targeted lessons allowing students to better meet and exceed classroom standards.”

Barbara B – Resource Teacher

A Word from our

Parents and Students

“My son has made great gains in a short time using Language Foundations and its hands-on approach.”

Keith M – parent

“We learned so much this year can we do Language Foundations again next year?”

ADW student



Students Engaged

Titans Schools

Teachers Trained

Simulation participants

Get Involved

Location: 7625 Wisconsin Avenue, Ste. 3, Bethesda, MD 20816

Email: info@titanssupport.org